Having fun during the “dog days” of summer

I have lived in North Carolina for over 20 years and this has been both the hottest and most humid summer that I remember.  Some days it’s just too hot to play and exercise with my dogs outside.  Here’s what I have been doing instead:

Interactive Games

·        “Find it” – put your dog in another room, his crate or in a stay, while you hide his favorite treats, toys or both around the room.  Then encourage your pup to start searching for goodies.

·        Puzzles or enrichment feeders – this will not only keep your dog busy, but can also provide a calming effect.

Water Games

·        A simple and easy way to cool your dog down in the summer heat is a kiddie pool or sprinklers.  Incorporate some of their favorite toys and have a party. 

·        If that isn’t your dog’s cup of tea, try placing ice cubes in their water bowl. My dogs love to “bob” for the ice cubes in the water.  The ice cubes can be flavored with plain yogurt or fruit.  It’ll keep them hydrated and cool them down at the same time.

 Frozen Treats

·        Frozen treats are a big hit at my house.  There are plenty of dog-friendly recipes online and I have several too.  This can create a fun game for your dog as they have to ‘work’ for their treat.

·        Another great alternative is freezing your dog’s normal food. By adding a liquid such as chicken broth, you can use containers to mold the mixture and serve once frozen. A perfect way to cool down your dog while giving them something yummy at the same time

Play Date

If your dog enjoys the company of other dogs or puppies, host a play date inside where it’s cool or outside for water games.


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